What We Do
The Vancouver Historical Society:
- organizes and presents an 8-lecture series per year
- organizes and leads historical field trips for members
- actively celebrates Vancouver’s birthday in early April
- maintains an inventory of historical researchers
- provides referrals to historical researchers
- publishes and/or sponsors new books and web-based historical projects
- maintains a social-media presence via Facebook and Twitter to publicize its activities
- occasionally supports special projects when funding is available. For more information and to apply click here.
Benefits of Membership:
- Vancouver Historical Society Newsletter, 9 issues per year
- regular updates on our website
- invitations to regularly scheduled speakers
- an invitation to our Incorporation event in April to celebrate Vancouver’s birthday
- full voting rights at the Annual General Meeting
- varied volunteer activities.
For membership inquiries, please email membershipvhs@gmail.com
Membership Fees
Individual Student/Senior (over 60): $20.00
Individual: $25.00
Couples/Family: $30.00
Institution/Organization: $35.00

You may be interested in obtaining a subscription to BC History magazine, a publication of the BC Historical Federation.